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Competing with Giants: How Independent Practices Can Compete with Hospital-Owned Practices


Since its inception, Dealmed has had the opportunity to engage with numerous and varied medical practices. Ranging from physicians offices to hospital-owned counterparts, we have seen first-hand the strategies that physician’s offices employ to compete. We have identified actions that can be utilized by independent practices to compete with larger, hospital-owned practices. 

Leverage Personalized Care:

Independent practices have an advantage when it comes to personalized care. The ability to build long-term, personal patient relationships and develop personalized treatment plans for each placement are some things that large, hospital-owned practices often struggle to replicate due to size. Use this to your advantage by prioritizing patient relationships and communication.


Leverage technology to enhance your practice’s efficiency and patient experience. Personal reminders and follow-ups, online scheduling, extended hours, after hour phone line that gets answered quickly, etc. By staying ahead of the tech curve, small practices can deliver a patient experience that rivals larger institutions.

Build a Strong Online Presence:

In an era where most patients turn to the internet for health information, a robust online presence is crucial. Ensure you have a user-friendly website and active social media accounts. Patient reviews matter more than ever, so encourage satisfied patients to share their positive experiences online.

Comprehensive, Integrated Care:

Rather than specializing in one area, coordinate medical services, diagnostics, and consultations within your practice. This approach allows for personalized treatment plans that address not only medical conditions but also the broader well-being of patients. With a focus on collaboration and continuity, physician offices that offer comprehensive and integrated care foster strong patient-provider relationships, enhance communication, and ultimately deliver a level of individualized attention that stands out in a healthcare landscape dominated by larger hospital-owned settings.

Stay Community-Connected:

Unlike hospital-owned practices, independent practices have the opportunity to become a real part of their local community. Getting to know each of your patients in your practice and outside of it helps make the connections stronger. Participating in local events, partnering with local businesses, and actively engaging with community members can enhance your practice’s visibility, reputation, and longevity.

Focus on Cost Transparency:

In today’s healthcare landscape, where consumers are increasingly mindful of costs, private physician offices have a unique opportunity to stand out by prioritizing transparent and proactive approaches to pricing and billing. By openly communicating about the expected costs of services and procedures, as well as providing clear breakdowns of charges, these practices can cultivate a sense of trust and reliability among patients who pay with cash. This commitment to cost transparency goes beyond mere financial considerations – it demonstrates the practice’s dedication to the well-being of its patients by ensuring they are well-informed and empowered to make healthcare decisions.


Despite what you would think, both hospital-based practices and independent practices pay similar prices for their medical and pharmaceutical supplies. However, independent practices enjoy the advantage of autonomy in making purchasing decisions, allowing them the flexibility to choose their suppliers and products. For instance, they have the freedom to invest in additional amenities like a coffee machine.

In the face of the increasing prevalence of hospital-owned practices, independent medical practices have a compelling opportunity not only to endure but to excel. By strategically harnessing their inherent strengths – such as delivering personalized and patient-centric care, possessing the nimbleness to drive innovation, and fostering deep connections within the local community – independent practices can establish a resilient foothold. The pivotal strategy lies in proactively curating a seamless and gratifying patient journey. In this competitive landscape, success isn’t solely determined by the practice’s size, but by its determination to champion quality, individualized care. It’s not about the practice’s dimensions in the competition, but rather the magnitude of its determination and commitment to excellence that truly makes the difference.


  • Michael Einhorn

    Michael Einhorn is the CEO of Dealmed, providing a complete ecosystem of end-to-end healthcare supply chain solutions. Michael has a background in business and finance, having attended The Wharton School and worked as a paramedic at New York Methodist Hospital Center for Allied Health Education. He also has a passion for innovation and leadership, having founded Dealmed in 2008 and grown it into a leader along the eastern seaboard with over 25,000 products and 5,000 orders shipped per day. Michael enjoys using his skills and expertise to provide better products at better prices faster so his customers can deliver better care.